Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dilapidated patio furniture

Betty and Kotone, two of my dear friends, were cordially invited over yesterday night for a scrumptious meal of food cooked up by yours truly (no natto this time). The meal turned out to be a great success and the company was a hit all across the board, but it really struck home how much my apartment furniture sucks; its patio furniture. And to top off the fact that it sucks, its also falling apart. Coming to the realization that you are a grown man eating all your meals in a shitty lawn chair hurts, but the blow was softened by an ice cold Kirin beer.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Too much natto!

Yesterday afternoon I found myself in quite a predicament. I had just returned home from teaching a private lesson and had a heavy hankering for some wholesome natto on toast. The problem consists of this: I had two packets of natto and only one slice of white bread left after my sister ganked one slice, throwing my natto to bread ratio all out of whack. I usually consume two slices of bread with two packets of natto (one packet per slice) per sitting. Natto comes in three packets per pack and bread in six slices per loaf, so I buy two packs of natto and one loaf of bread. Anyway, when faced with this dilemma of epic proportions I decided to top one slice of toasted white bread with two packets of natto, but the results were incredibly yeasty so I tossed the culinary abomination in the trash. I ended up eating some cookies and a Cow Tail for lunch.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Greatest Stories Never Told!

Well, maybe not, but I sure think my stories are worth telling. Some may agree, but most probably won't. Anyway, this blog was created to highlight the excitement of the seemingly mundane details (adventures) of daily life at home and around my neighborhood (Earth). Most, if not all, of the anecdotes that will be recounted here will be embellished at least a little bit, so take everything you read with a microscopic grain of sodium chloride.